Welcome to Lapis

Hello adventurer, you’ve found us at the very beginning of our journey. As early adopters, your insights, experiences and feedback are invaluable. Think of Lapis Alpha not just as a product, but as a collaborative venture. Our goal is to create an exceptional platform tailored to your data storytelling needs, but we can’t do it without you.

Access to Lapis Alpha is exclusive by invitation.

Free for Alpha users

Alpha access: Available now


Our Alpha phase is focused on optimising the foundational user experience for the individual. We've crafted an intuitive Storybuilder designed with a seamless flow to help you weave data into your narrative effortlessly. While the emphasis is on single-user features, we recognise the power of collaboration. That's why we've integrated opportunities for you to share your work with peers, with more features coming in later phases.


The Alpha version of Lapis is free for all invited users. As we shape the future of data storytelling, we're actively exploring a pricing model that aligns with the value we bring. Our commitment remains unwavering: Lapis will be accessible to a wide spectrum of data storytellers, from enthusiasts to professionals.

More features coming in Beta!

Click-driven and scroll-driven content blocks

Enable new user experiences involving multimedia and maps.

More ways to connect with the community

Our new community platform encourages sharing and feedback.

Export your story

Let your story live on your own website.

Real-time collaboration

Work on stories concurrently with others, with smooth version control.

Knowledge base & learning resources

Expand your skills with our dedicated resources and learn from others.

More data visualisation types

Access to more chart types and custom embeds.

The road to launch

As we’re readying Lapis for its official release, we’re committed to keeping you informed and engaged. This is where we’ll share updates on our progress. Watch this space as we shed light both on challenges we’ve overcome and the milestones we’ve achieved.

April 2023

  • Lapis Alpha announced, registration for early access opened

May 2024

  • Lapis Alpha launched for people who signed up for early access