"A day in a life of a ________"
A story about me
Insert standfirst here. This is a brief introduction summary of the story, or tells the reader why they should read the story.
This template was created with beginners in mind, who have never written a data story before. By filling this out with data that can be retrieved simply (through manual counting, using your mobile phone or from external sources), you can publish your first data story easily. Think of this first data story as a way to tell others about you.
So you’ve never created a data story before? No sweat! We’ve made this template just for you, to ease you into the world of data storytelling. Follow our simple instructions and fill in the blanks to create a story about a day in your life! Who better to know about you than you?
For this personalised data story, we want to know a bit more about you! Start with a simple introduction: What is your name? What do you do? Where do you live? You can be as mysterious or as descriptive as you like!
Next, let’s try to add an image. Replace the image below with one that suits your identity.

Next, comes the data part. We’ll guide you with an example of someone who works as a self-employed writer in Singapore.
We want to find some basic data about writers in Singapore. We went to Google to try to find some relevant numbers. We found some data on self-employed workers in Singapore from a report by the Ministry of Manpower.
We’re choosing to use an area chart here, which is a simple way to compare a change in quantities over time. You could also use a line or bar chart if you find relevant data for your occupation. You can personalise this chart based on your occupation, and change the styling.
First section's done. You’re doing great!

In this section, we want to know how you typically spend your day. Use this first paragraph to give an overview of your day.
Next, we’re using a pie chart to illustrate how many hours a day someone spends on work, play, and rest. How can you figure this out? The good ol’ fashioned way—try and recall how you spend your 24 hours, for a period of a week. That’ll give you a sense of your typical day.
Replace the data and text below and make the chart your own.
Second section done. That’s two charts!

E.g. “What Captures My Attention”
In this section, we want to get to know you via the photo album in your phone. You can tell a lot about a person from their photos!
![Copy of [My First Data Story] A Day In A Life of A _______'s property](https://cdn-img.lapis-story.com/stories/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05-1714641426-1714641426.png)
![Copy of [My First Data Story] A Day In A Life of A _______'s property](https://cdn-img.lapis-story.com/stories/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05-1714641427.png)
![Copy of [My First Data Story] A Day In A Life of A _______'s property](https://cdn-img.lapis-story.com/stories/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05/copy-of-my-first-data-story-a-day-in-a-life-of-a-adf204cff3c04de59d18884778012f05-1714641428.png)
Look at the photos you’ve taken in the past week. Find a way to sort them into 4 main categories, and then count how many photos are in that category each day. Use categories that feel meaningful to you—we’ve gone with Environment, Food, People and Random.
For our next chart, we’re using a stacked column bar chart to illustrate how many photos are in each category for each day of the week. Replace the data and text below so it’s personalised to you.

E.g. “My Life Philosophy”
This is the last paragraph of your first-ever data story! You’ve made it! Here, you can write anything you want to end your story.
Feel free to make edits to any other part of the story so it feels relevant and meaningful to you. Change up the colours, tweak the styling, or even add new content blocks if you wish! When you’re done, hit “Publish” and see your very first data story come to life.
That's it! That's the end of the story. 🎉
A short paragraph summarising how you sourced and/or processed the data. For example: Where did you get the data? What steps did you take when choosing what data would be visualised? What gaps might be present? This section helps readers understand your process better, and increases trust and transparency.
For the story above, we might write: “This story was based mainly on personal data, including data on my mobile phone. One chart, on the number of teachers in Singapore in 2021, was reproduced from Statista.”can write anything you want in this boxed text. For example, you can share how people can connect with you, or even your feelings writing this story.
List of references which can be comprehensive or selected, dependent on what you feel will be useful from your reader. For this story, you could include suggestions of books related to your line of work or hobbies.